Teacher Lesson Plans
A collaboration between the National Math & Science Initiative (NMSI) and the National Center for CS Education has allowed lesson plans and supplementary materials to be developed for teachers to use when delivering the CSAwesome curriculum to their students. Thank you to our CSAwesome lesson plan developers: John Harrison, Theresa Horvath, Pauline Lake, Randle Moore, Darci Santella, Lora Santucci, Jeannie Turner, and Nita Waterman!
Accessing CSAwesome Educator Materials
Teaching CSAwesome Google Group/Forum: To gain access to the educator-only materials for CSAwesome, in a Google Shared Drive, you must request access to our Google Group/Forum. Follow the steps below:
Go to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/teaching-csawesome
Check that you are logged in using the email address that you'd like to have access with and receive email to.
In the textbox, please be sure to include a link to your school's staff directory page so that we can verify your status as an educator.
Having Trouble? Try switching accounts to ensure you are logged in using the account that is approved. You can also try using the direct link to the CSAwesome Drive (below).
Changing Emails: Some educators find that there are conflicts with using your school email. If you need to switch emails, you can email us at info@csawesome.org from your school account and provide us with a personal Gmail address.
Reducing Emails: This is an involved group of teachers who are passionate about teaching CSA and eager to help each other out. If you want to change the number of emails you receive, you can adjust your settings by visiting the forum web page and then clicking My Settings (person+gear icon in the upper right of the screen). If you leave the group, you will lose access to the materials, however, you can switch the settings so that you don't receive emails.
Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies:
When developing lesson plans for CSAwesome a CRT playbook was used. The playbook contains suggested activities for use in a culturally responsive classroom.
CS Teaching Tips and Misconceptions:
The lesson plans include tips for teaching CS as well as warn teachers and educators of any known misconceptions that students might have about a particular topic.
For example: Teach students how to find built-in Java methods in the Javadocs documentation. (from CSTeachingTips.org)
We also encourage educators to check out the Inclusive CS Teaching website.